Winter Majik Nourshing Serum


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The Garden of Wisdom's Winter Majik Nourishing Serum is a perfect solution for the challenges our bodies and faces face during the colder winter months. This serum effectively revitalizes and hydrates your skin, leaving behind a soft, healthy, and radiant complexion. The anti-inflammatory properties of this serum also help to calm swelling and irritation while providing the necessary nourishment. 

Please read about the star ingredient in this serum, Ceramides, on our Blog!

    Winter Majik Nourshing Serum

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review
    Works amazingly!

    I use the coconut revival serum year round, but I find that I sometimes need more help with dry skin in the winter. So in the colder and drier months, I just mix some of the Wynter wonder serum with my usual face serums and oils and it gives me a great moisturizing boost without breaking me out! It also came in handy when i got my eyebrow piercing and the skin around it was just soooo dry and flaky from the saline cleanser I was using. But I applied the wynter wonder serum around the area (not on or in the piercing) and it helped to moisturize the skin so well without clogging my pores like the coconut oil or aquaphor I had used to try to fix the issue previously. It’s so versatile!

    Thank you so very much for this review :)