Blemish Prone Skin Serums
Banish blemishes and breakouts and reveal clear, even skin tone, whether living with small spots or full flare-ups.
Many products on the market for acne-prone skin are harsh, stripping skin of healthy oils, leaving it irritated and
even more prone to breakouts.
At Garden of Wisdom, we do things differently.
Our collection for blemish-prone skin works synergistically to restore the skin’s natural harmony and balance to
naturally rid your skin of pimples, blackheads, blemishes, and breakouts without clogging pores.
Our products are carefully crafted to tackle acne head-on, sweep away the buildup that can cause breakouts, and
improve the appearance of discoloration, scar depth, size, and tone.
Clear, healthy skin is waiting in nature’s Garden of Wisdom.

This product is an anti-oxidant, anti-acne, anti-aging and hydrating! Fantastic! Method of Application Apply to your skin after...
Our Pro-Pre Biotic Skin Protectant is packed full of beneficial pro and pre biotics to help heal and...
Designed specifically for oily skin, our Sebum Control AntiOxidant Serum helps to regulate the production of oil and...
Our Simply Tea Tree Blemish Serum addresses acne breakouts, rosacea-related acne, and general blemishes. Gentle enough for all...
Our Sulfur Clearing Serum is a perfect addition to your skincare routine. This is anti-acne and is great...
Garden of Wisdom's Synergistic Anti-inflammatory Niacinamide and B-5 Serum nourishes and heals skin while providing excellent anti-inflammatory effects...
Method of Application After cleansing spritz face (not too much) and let dry naturally. Wait a few minutes...